This online forum is for anyone interested in the NuCoal debacle, the bizarre story of how the NSW Government tried to rout its own corrupt politicians and ended up also punishing many of the people who built the company and NuCoal’s 3,400 shareholders instead of its own rotten apples. As if to teach a lesson for its own failings it confiscated NuCoal Limited’s Doyle’s Creek licence despite them being properly gained as part of an approved ASX listing. The shareholders did their investments, the directors spent millions fighting to seek justice for shareholders, NSW rushed through special legislation preventing compensation and the state lost a huge new underground coal mine. It seems City Hall can now legally grant you property, and politically strip it at whim.
Is corruption worse than theft? Both are abuses of power, and neither is more honorable. It’s a dark night for justice in NSW and will be until compensation is paid for what has been done.
Please use this website in anyway you see fit in promotion of this aim, alert your friends and other shareholders, post your own media, comments and essays and take the opportunity to take the fight for this unforgivable act back to those who did it – the Government of NSW.
Last time government walked all over miners, the miners won out. We need to protect the private property rights of innocent citizens and demand compensation for the theft of the Doyles Creek Coal Project! Government of NSW – we haven’t gone away and we aren’t going to. Do the right thing, please.
If you would like to get in touch with us, or send a story, please use this form.